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Time Lapse

Screenshot of Time Lapse Video in Situe
Staytite needed some imagery for their 'about' page. I suggested that a time-lapse video of the warehouse staff at work would express the energy behind what they do to ensure that customer needs are met.

I set up an Olympus E-M10 II in an elevated position overlooking the packing benches, which also had a good view of storage racking on the right side of the shot. I programed the camera to take an image every 30 seconds. I wanted any captured motion to be blurred to convey speed. This was achieved using a slow shutter setting. Shots were then combined, cropped, and brand coloured to match the overall look of the website.

I was pleased with how the video turned out. An overcast day would have produced a less contrasted combination of bright sunshine and clouded levels of light entering the shot from the windows.

Click the icon to the right to see a screenshot of the time lapse video in situe.